Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A couple weeks away...

More details in place. Friend Geoff has offered his large car to take us to the airport in the early morning of New Year's Day. The Hood River News is running a little story about the trip; I'm hoping that will steer a lot of folks towards this blog (let us know if you found this through that).

Here's the snapshot of what's happening here: we're taking 6 months away from Hood River to live on sabbatical in northern Ecuador, probably in the small city of Otavalo. There's a school there we think will be a good match for the girls, some volunteer service work that Paul has found, and by all accounts it's a safe, pleasant place to be. We're looking forward to everyone getting to buff up their Spanish and get a good taste of how most of the planet lives. We will return in June.

Questions welcome, as are good thoughts and well wishes.


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